Help Students Rejected from their Dream School

Many students hope to get into their dream college from a young age—but with 90-95% rejection rates from the top colleges, counselors must offer students other options! As a counselor myself, I’m here to help you assist them in this process!

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

How Competitive Is Their Top-Choice School?

Think about your students’ top-choice schools: What do they have in common? Extremely low acceptance rates.

Remind students that the reality of getting into that “dream” school doesn’t always translate into future success. Just because one college said “no” doesn’t mean there are not excellent—if not better—options out there.

There Could Be a Better Option—The Construction Industry

When your student is ready to move on and move forward, remind him or her that there are other options to consider. For instance, the construction sector is an industry that is often overlooked.

According to The Fast Company, the construction sector has the happiest workforce.

Why are construction professionals so happy? There are several reasons, including the strong interpersonal relationships between work colleagues and high salary (90K+ for project managers!). Also, construction is a 13 trillion-dollar global industry that is rapidly advancing into the technology sector. Not only do the job opportunities abound, so do the chances of pioneering the future of construction.

Photo by Mark Potterton on Unsplash

An Associate or Bachelor’s Degree In Construction

STONEPILEllc is the first college dedicated 100% to construction education. Our associate and bachelor’s degree programs offer a trailblazing education in industrialized construction and construction technology. Find out more about the opportunities for future leaders in the construction industry and how STONEPILEllc’s unique leadership training methods will empower them to lead in this exciting field.



Dr. Jodi Vermaas
Founder I Disruptor I Mother of 12



*All images courtesy of BASE4



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